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Actress Poonam Pandey is alive ? See what she say

 Cervical cancer  is a type of cancer that starts in the cervix, a part of a woman's body. It is often caused by a virus called HPV.  Risk Factors: 1. HPV Infection:The main cause of cervical cancer is a long-lasting infection with HPV. 2. Smoking: Smoking can increase the chances of getting cervical cancer. 3. Weak Immune System: Conditions like HIV/AIDS make the body more susceptible to cervical cancer. 4. Birth Control Pills:Some studies suggest a link between long-term use and higher risk. 5. Many Children: Having a higher number of full-term pregnancies may increase the risk. Symptoms: - Early stages may not show noticeable signs. - As it progresses, symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and pain during intercourse. Screening and Diagnosis: - Regular Pap smears and HPV tests are crucial for early detection. - Abnormal results may lead to further tests such as colposcopy and biopsy. Stages of Cervical Cancer: 1. **Stage 0:** Abnormal cells are only in the
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